Bringing Awareness to Racial Disparities in Maternal Care in Nevada (and the U.S.)

The racial disparities related to maternal health in Nevada are at the point where it should be declared a national public health crisis for black women…

 Tiara Flynn, Full Spectrum Doula and Founder of Phenomenal Mama spoke with RENO, Nev. (News 4 & Fox 11). There is a lot of room for improvement in the care of African American pregnant women in Nevada, and birthing experts are trying to get the word out and advise expecting moms on how to look out for themselves.

MMH Advocacy Day

“Doctors put together the care plan for you, but you’re supposed to be doing that with them,” she said. “If the doctor comes in the room and they’re discussing versus directing, you still have options, and you have a choice. You’re creating the plan. You hired them, and they work for you.”

Flynn said black women face racial bias in health care because they aren’t listened to, and false claims like they can handle more pain than other women still linger.

 To read and watch more of the interview, click below:

Flynn works closely with the Nevada Office of Minority Health & Equity to help bring awareness to racial disparities in maternal care in Nevada.

The Nevada Office of Minority Health and Equity (NOMHE) reports that in 2020, Nevada’s Black, non-Hispanic women had the highest pregnancy-associated death ratio at 181.7 per 100,000 live births and 24% of the pregnancy-associated deaths.

On top of the disparities in care, Flynn said outreach about healthy natural childbirth, breastfeeding, and self-advocacy isn’t pushed enough to black women.
That’s why she said black pregnant women need to take planning their childbirth seriously.